Hier ein englischsprachiger Blogbeitrag unseres Delegierten Jacques A SAGNA aus dem Sudan (Link zum Projekt)
The design of the activities was developed that day along with Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS) Bentiu branch volunteer manager Yassir Jafar.
In total 4 main activities were planned to be implemented during the World Water Day.
- Advertisement of the activities through radio broadcasting and the use of a microphone and a car in Bentiu area. This advertisement to take place on the eve before world water day.
- Sensitization of the population in a central place in Bentiu. The aim of this activity was to sensitize people on the maintenance of hand pumps and on the water related diseases.
- To make this day known to many people, sign boards were to be installed in crowded places in Bentiu.
- To reach more people especially those living in the remote areas out of Bentiu and with access to radio Bentiu, a radio session was planned along with representatives of the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and the Ministry of Health and SRCS Bentiu branch.

Preparation and Marketing
The program started 2 days before the public ceremony with advertisement through Radio Bentiu, which is a new radio programme broadcasting in Arabic and Nuer. The evening before World Water Day a SRCS pick up car was used to spread the message deep into Bentiu quarters using either Arab or Nuer language.
A signboard to announce the event was positioned in a place where people meet frequently. Another signboard was positioned on the site of the event. Shades to protect from the heat and chairs were hired as well as a soundsystem and loudspeakers and 2 famous singers were requested to perform.

The public sensitization began at around 10 am with music and songs to attract people. Then the program was opened by SRCS Bentiu Branch Director and Ministry of Physical Infrastructure DG. The maintenance of the hand pumps in Bentiu area was debated and water related diseases explained. After the opening ceremony, Quiz questions about water related diseases were asked to the attending public. Around 20 persons received gifts such as bathing soap, washing soap, washing powder for successful answers
The radio session took place in the evening, when most people are at home. The SRCS branch director and the SRCS volunteer manager were present to respond to people’s calls. People made phone calls to ask questions and/or to give comments. This radio session lasted for around 1 hour. The causes of the water related diseases and the way to avoid them were discussed during the radio session. The Bentiu radio manager was impressed about the lively response to this radio session and decided to give discount to SRCS for future events.