We arrived to Faulara/Lepa (district of Liquica) yesterday morning and this time the whole Austrian team is there for 2 days (Miriam, Martina and myself). The last time I was here was end of November 2010 when CVTL (East Timor Red Cross) did the CAP process (Community Action Plan) to mobilize the community for the project and to discuss their needs and priority health issues.
Today it is the last day of the CBHFA (Community Based Health and First Aid) volunteer training. The volunteers know about diarrhea prevention, hygiene promotion and developed a plan where they define which activities they are going to implement within this year. For example, activities for World Red Cross day as well as for water day, HIV/AIDS day etc.
My colleague Martina and her counterparts at CVTL looked at the technical details of the water system while Miriam and I joined the village volunteer’s training as well as the house visits within the community and at school level.

Today the volunteers split up into groups and visit in the community (households) as well as the school in little groups to teach community members and school children about diarrhea prevention and hygiene promotion.
In total, there are 20 volunteers active now in Faulara. Olga is one of the 9 female volunteers who is eager to help her community to improve the health status. She is only 15 years old and we could join her while she explained the importance of hand washing to her group of school children.