Und nun sind die Autos dran!!!

So es geht weiter, mitlerweile haben Bernhard und Pat die ersten Funkgeräte in einem Auto installiert, Landcruiser des DRK für ihre BHC.


ps: und noch eine redaktionelle Anmerkung: BHC = Basic Health Care – Definition lt. IFRC:

„Provides immediate curative and preventive health care for up to 30,000 beneficiaries, according to WHO basic protocols. The unit can provide basic outpatient services, maternal-child health (including uncomplicated deliveries), community health outreach, immunization and nutritional surveillance. It does not function as a hospital but has a 20 overnight bed capacity for observation only. This ERU requires a safe and sufficient water supply (5 litres per outpatient per day, plus extra for cleaning, etc.) If it were to function as a therapeutic feeding or cholera treatment centre, the water usage rate would be significantly higher. It has a mechanism for referral of more serious cases to hospital.“


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